Coucher de soleil
Coucher de soleil

Terms of use

1. Site presentation: Site publisher and host 

The present site, accessible at (hereinafter the "Site"), is published by SOCIETE COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE LES SALINES DE GUERANDE - LE GUERANDAIS, a société coopérative agricole, with a share capital of 1.500 euros, registered with the Saint Nazaire trade and companies register under number 349 241 315, whose registered office is located at Pradel CS 65315 - 44350 GUERANDE, and whose intracommunity VAT number is FR88349241315, hereinafter ("LE GUERANDAIS"). 



The publication director is Mrs Charlotte Le Feuvre in her capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors. 

The Site's host is INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA, headquartered at Rue Eugène Marziano 25, 1227 Les Acacias, Geneva (Switzerland). 

Tel: +41 22 820 35 44 

2. Intellectual property 

The general structure of the Site as well as all the elements that make it up and that are published on the Site, notably and without this list being limitative, the texts, images, photographs, logos, distinctive signs, videos, graphic charter, sound elements, models, recipes, typographies, are the exclusive property of LE GUERANDAIS and constitute creations protected by the provisions of the intellectual property code. 

LE GUERANDAIS is the owner of all intellectual property rights on its Site and the elements that make it up. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the Site or its component parts, for any reason and on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior consent of LE GUERANDAIS, is strictly prohibited. 

All data and information present on or accessible through the Site may under no circumstances be reproduced and used for any purpose other than private consultation by the user directly connected to the Site. LE GUERANDAIS is particularly vigilant and will take all appropriate action against any use made in violation of intellectual property rights and/or the law and/or the general terms and conditions. 

If you wish to use in another context and/or distribute data, information from the Site, please contact LE GUERANDAIS: 


"LE GUERANDAIS" is a registered trademark. Any total or partial representation or reproduction of this trademark, on any medium whatsoever, without having obtained the express prior authorization of LE GUERANDAIS, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright. 


3. Hypertext links

LE GUERANDAIS cannot be held responsible for the hypertext links presented on the Site to external resources. 

The creation of hypertext links to this Site cannot be made without the express prior authorization of LE GUERANDAIS. If you wish to set up a hypertext link to the Site, please contact LE GUERANDAIS: 


4. Liability 

LE GUERANDAIS makes every effort to check that the information mentioned on the Site is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to update, modify or delete it at any time and without notice. 

LE GUERANDAIS does not, however, provide any guarantee, express or implied, concerning the content of the Site. 

LE GUERANDAIS may be required to interrupt access to the Site at any time for technical reasons, without prior notice. 

LE GUERANDAIS cannot be held liable for any damage resulting directly or indirectly from use of the Site. 

5. Gender equality index 

Under Law No. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018 (known as the "Professional Future" law), all companies with at least 50 employees must calculate and publish their Gender Professional Equality Index at the beginning of each year.SCA les Salines de Guérande has published, in accordance with the provisions of article d.1142-5 du code du travail, its index for the year 2024 in respect of 2023 data. 

This year, the overall index turns out to be non-calculable. It is broken down into 4 indicators as follows: 

- Pay gap indicator: not calculable 
- Individual increase rate gap indicator: 35 points / 35 
- Return from maternity leave indicator: not calculable 
- High pay indicator: 10 points / 10

6. Credits 

Site design and production: LMWR - 4 rue Dobrée - 44100 Nantes. Tel : 

Photo credits :
- Evaine Merle 
- L'Overview 
- Gregory Voivenel 
- Benjamin Deroche 
- S. Scaniglia 
- Pascal François 
- Laurent Rouvrais et Séverine Augé 
- Bernard Radvaner 
- Sucré Salé 
- Lookfood 
- Franck Hamel 
- Rina Nurra 
- Erwann Blottiere 

7. Applicable law and jurisdiction 

These conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, and failing amicable agreement between the parties, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.