
Our solidarity cooperative

A tribute to a unique territory and to the shared flavors of life

More than a cooperative, the union between Men and Nature to create an authentic, natural salt of origin. A tribute to a unique territory  and to the shared flavors of life.

salariés Coopérative Le Guérandai
salariés Coopérative Le Guérandai

The Cooperative a shared vision

Le Guérandais cooperative is founded on strong values of mutual aid, equality, fairness and solidarity. It unites passionate men and women, driven by a common goal and vision: to perpetuate and promote Guérande salt throughout the world and over the years.  

The cooperative's members elect their Board of Directors at a General Meeting. Organized into specific commissions, the Board of Directors works alongside the General Manager and all employees for the development of the cooperative.

Currently made up of 14 directors under the presidency of Charlotte Le Feuvre, the Board of Directors acts as the representative of the 220 salt workers

The cooperative currently employs 75 employees, under the management of Laurent Seriat

Charlotte LEFEUVRE

Our 36-year-old cooperative is the rich heir to a history, where the survival of Guérande's salt workers, in the face of salt corporations, fighting to protect the marshes and its environment from mass tourism by perpetuating artisanal salt farming, is central.

For centuries, Guérande salt has made the peninsula rich. The cooperative has helped develop its reputation and redistribute its value to its members.

Today's members of the cooperative are the heirs to these victories, never fully won, and it's up to them to write the future, with the certainty that together we're stronger!

Charlotte LEFEUVRE

Chairman of the Board

Laurent Seriat

Le Guérandais was born of the desire of men and women to nurture a territory, an age-old know-how, an environment and its biodiversity, within the framework of a French industry, to give the greatest number of us here and around the world, access to an exceptional product


Laurent SERIAT

Cooperative General Manager

Our organization

The cooperative : a collective goal

Throughout the year, the member salt farmers, the Le Guérandais brand, and its subsidiary Terre de Sel combine their expertise and work hand in hand to sustain the cooperative.

The member salt workers

Member salt workers

220 member salt workers

Every summer, the members pool their harvests. This ensures them income stability while guaranteeing a regular supply to the Cooperative's customers.



Over the past 20 years, the number of salt marshes in operation has increased by 20%

Average age
46 years

The Le Guérandais cooperative

The Le Guérandais cooperative

La coopérative Le Guérandais est incarnée par 220 adhérents paludiers.

Cette coopérative inclut à la fois sa marque Le Guérandais et sa filiale Terre de Sel.

Tout au long de l’année, adhérents et salariés travaillent de concert dans le but de produire, de faire connaître et de faire perdurer un sel d’origine authentique et naturel.

The brand

The brand

75 employees

The Le Guérandais brand embodies the values and commitments of the Cooperative. It allows offering consumers quality salts harvested by hand by the member salt workers.

Leader in origin-specific salts

2nd national brand
in the salt market *
*Source CIRCANA PDM value HMSM CAM P6 2024

An international presence
in more than 55 countries including Europe, Asia, and America

Distribution networks :




Terre de Sel

Find our products also in our subsidiary Terre de Sel, in the heart of the salt marshes.

Terre de Sel

Terre de Sel

15 employees

A subsidiary of the Cooperative, Terre de Sel invites the public to discover, in the heart of the salt marshes, the millennia-old history of salt harvesting.

+ 30 different tours

More than 70,000 visitors per year discover the Guérande salt marshes with professionals including salt workers and naturalist guides.

Shop and exhibition
7 days a week, year-round

A shop that features the entire range of Le Guérandais salts, as well as high-quality local products.

An exhibition dedicated to the discovery of salt marshes and salt.

A cooperative and a brand with strong commitments

In order to defend their salt against the might of industrial salts, and their marshes against the greed of real estate developers, a group of passionate salt workers joined forces in the 70s and created an Agricultural Cooperative in 1988: the Guérande Salt Cooperative.

Their goal? The eco-responsible exploitation of the salt marshes and the promotion of a delicious original salt carrying powerful and perennial commitments: the strength of the collective, solidarity, sharing, the transmission of a thousand-year-old know-how and a preserved territory.

Thus, to promote their history and their salt, the fruit of an exceptional natural heritage and carrier of the cooperative's values, the salt workers created the brand Le Guérandais. 

See our values and commitments
Salariés le Guérandais
paludiers Le Guérandais

The story of the cooperative

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In order to defend their salts against the power of industrial salts and the greed of property developers, united, supportive and motivated salt workers organized and created le Groupement des Producteurs de Sel.



The Groupement des Producteurs de Sel adopts the status of Coopérative Agricole to ensure complete control of its economic chain.

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The harvest quality of our salt has been recognized since 1989 by the award of the European agrobiological label: Nature et Progrès. 

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Our salt is the first sea salt awarded for its superior quality by Label Rouge:highlighting its organoleptic qualities and composition.

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Creation of the Maison du Sel in Pradel, which became Terre de Sel in 2006: a reception structure for discovering the marshes and the paludier's trade, which also offers a boutique distributing the salts produced by the Cooperative as well as local products. 

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The cooperative manufactures and markets 100% of its production and becomes independent of private traders. It transforms its artisanal workshops into a modernized production site. 

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Le Guérandais obtains IFS Food certification, which guarantees food safety at all stages of production and product quality. 

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Le Guérandais cooperative has been certified Agriculture Biologique since 2009 for its range of flavored salts.

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Extension of Cooperative buildings incorporating sustainable development aspects. (Ex: installation of photovoltaic and solar panels and rainwater recovery on certain buildings)

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In 2012, Guérande salt and Fleur de sel de Guérande are the first salts to obtain a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication)

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The cooperative is certified PME+ in 2024. This label values and rewards the Le Guérandais cooperative's commitment to a sustainable approach, in favor of the environment, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. 

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The brand has conquered the world and today has an international presence in more than 55 countries, including Europe, Asia and America.

Quality salts: our certifications and labels.

  • Nature & Progrès
  • Label Rouge
  • Produced in Brittany
  • IFS Food
  • Organic Farming
  • Protected geographical indication
  • PME+
Nature et progrès logo

Nature & Progrès

As a member of this association since 1989, which has become a leading organization in organic farming development in France and Europe, we share the founding values of Nature & Progrès: a participative social dynamic, a sharing economy with a human dimension, the practice of peasant farming that respects natural balances and a human activity that respects the environment. 



In 1990, the salt-making profession createdthe association for the promotion of artisanal salt (APROSELA)following work around improving and recognizing the quality of artisanal sea salt. 

It is an ODG (Organisme de Défense et de Gestion) recognized by the INAO, which has been managing the Label Rouge "Sel Marin récolté manuellement" since 1991, and the "Sel de Guérande" and "Fleur de sel de Guérande" designations since the end of 2010. It now has the task of managing and monitoring compliance with the PGI specifications.

It also contributes to the general interest mission of promoting the certified industry, preserving and enhancing salt marshes and traditional production know-how. 



Label Rouge

The Cooperative's quality approach was rewarded in 1991 by the award of Label Rouge for coarse salt and ground salt (fine) and confirmed by the revision of the "hand-harvested sea salt" specifications in 2021. 

The Label Rouge du sel Le Guérandais is an official sign ofsuperior quality that guarantees the composition of the salt in minerals (magnesium, calcium...) and trace elements, and its organoleptic quality. 

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Produced in Brittany

Our cooperative and its products join and register with the Produit en Bretagne association, enabling us to have the Produit en Bretagne logo affixed to our products.

This collective regional brand brings together and rewards companies responsibly supporting the economic and cultural dynamic for employment in Brittany. 

Logo IFS Food

IFS Food

The Le Guérandais cooperative has also benefited fromIFS Food (International Featured Standard) certification since 2006, which guarantees quality and food safety at all stages of production and the level of product quality. 


Organic Farming

The Le Guérandais cooperative has been Agriculture Biologique certified since 2009 for its range of aromatized salts.

This European certification attests that our range of Le Guérandais aromatized salts is composed of organically certified agricultural ingredients and combines in its production: best environmental practices, respect for biodiversity and preservation of natural resources. 

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Protected geographical indication

Since March 2012,all our quality initiatives have been reinforced at European level by the award of a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) "Guérande Salt" and "Guérande Flower of Salt".

This guarantees consumers the origin as well as the quality of Guérande Salt and Guérande Flower of Salt.
Respecting strict specifications, paludiers produce sea salt that is harvested by hand, unwashed after harvesting and without the addition of any additives. 

The definition of Fleur de sel de Guérande now officially specifies that its light, fine, friable crystals are formed and harvested exclusively from the surface of the water. 

logo PME+


The Le Guérandais cooperative has been labeled PME+ since 2024.

This CSR label values and rewards responsible companies committed to a sustainable approach, in favor of the environment, sustainable development and corporate social and societal responsibility.

The PME + label is a genuine recognition of the ethical and responsible practices we hold dear such as: the central place of people in our company, job creation in the region and the design of products combining know-how and quality and controlling their environmental footprint. 

fond actualités

All the news of the Le Guérandais cooperative

To find out more about the extraordinary heritage of the salt marshes, its events and the strength of the Le Guérandais cooperative, take a look at our dedicated articles!

All our news