tas de sel aux marais salants de Guérande
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Coarse salt under the pillow: myth or reality?

Salt is an essential foodstuff for everyday life, with a wide range of benefits that can prove very useful beyond cooking and eating, and in many sectors such as health.

Coarse salt under the pillow

The myth

 Salt, its uses and its benefits have always been the subject of more or less famous myths. Numerous stories tell us that salt is a natural remedy that protects us from bad vibes and prevents bad luck.

It is in this context that, according to beliefs, myths, eras or habits, people have taken to depositing salt under their pillow, salt on the floor in the rooms of their home, under their bed or even in their pocket in order to protect themselves from bad luck.

The origin of the myth

Myths like the one about salt under the pillow stem from popular beliefs that salt is an unstoppable natural remedy warding off negative energies and preventing bad luck. 

Thus, over time, salt has become a veritable grandmother's remedy. Grandmothers used to sprinkle salt all over the house, with particular emphasis on corners, under beds and near entrances. Putting salt under your pillow would isolate you from negative energies and help you get a better night's sleep. One of the possible explanations for this myth is salt's unique absorption capacity: 

By regulating the development of humidity, it prevents the appearance of mold and mildew, which are harmful to both health and the home. Later use led to a preference for coarse salt over fine or ground salt, a more potent and readily available alternative.


Other uses and myths around salt

 Dry salt and bergamot oil to combat insomnia: place a mixture of "dry" salt like Le Guérandais dried coarse salt and bergamot essential oil under your bed. Bergamot is known for its tranquilizing properties and ability to reduce stress and anxiety. 


"Dry" salts, are salts that have been artificially dried. They are kept dry to preserve their properties and are generally used in mills. Conversely, moist salts such as Salt Flower are stored in glass jars and sprinkled by hand.

The mixture of salt, vinegar and water against negative energies: in some traditions, certain places are inhabited by positive or negative energies. Salt mixed with water and white vinegar could then, according to these beliefs, prove useful in order to "purify" the place and restore a certain balance and harmony. 

Technically, this purification and refreshing of the air is explained by the negative ions discharged into the air by the salt and vinegar. Negative ions are said to have a relaxing and energizing effect, while positive ions cause anxiety and fatigue.

Gros sel séché tradition Le Guérandais

Coarse salt and its benefits

Coarse salt and its origin

 Coarse salt is a raw sea salt renowned for its culinary virtues. It is harvested during summer days when the sun's rays heat the salt marshes and the wind sweeps over them with a gentle breeze. At the end of the afternoon, under the effect of the evaporation of the sea water, the salt concentrates, crystallizes and settles delicately on the clay at the bottom of the œillets, giving it its naturally gray hue. 

Then it's up to the salt worker, using his las (see the salt worker's dictionary), to pull the coarse salt up to the ladure, a round clay platform where it will drain overnight. The salt worker then transports it by wheelbarrow to the salt store at the saltworks: the mulon.

Gros sel humide Nature & Progrès Le Guérandais

Coarse sea salt

Le Guérandais coarse sea salt is a naturally grey salt harvested by hand by the salt workers of the Guérande marshes using ancestral techniques. It is a 100% natural salt, unwashed, unrefined and additive-free.

The benefits of coarse salt

Coarse salt is a highly versatile everyday ally. 

Thanks to its high mineral (magnesium, calcium, potassium) and sodium content, coarse salt is a precious asset for health and essential to life. 

It keeps skin hydrated, slows aging and has real pain-relieving properties, particularly in the treatment of rheumatism. 

The coarse salt foot bath, for example, is a highly effective remedy for relieving sore feet. Coarse salt is also an ideal beauty partner for the skin. It's a preferred ingredient for scrubs and skincare treatments thanks to its highly exfoliating coarse grains. 

Coarse salt is therefore a versatile ally with valuable cooking, health and beauty benefits. It is important, however, to consume and use it sensibly.