Côte de bœuf à la plancha : cuisson et assaisonnement
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Plancha prime rib: cooking and seasoning

Summer is here, and with it, the first flavors of grilled meats with friends. And to seduce your guests, there's nothing like a melt-in-your-mouth, crispy, delicately caramelized prime rib à la plancha, delicious with fries as well as grilled vegetables. All our tips for preparing, seasoning and cooking your prime rib a la plancha.


How to cook prime rib a la plancha?

A true summer essential, the plancha allows meat to be cooked evenly while preserving its flavors and nutritional qualities: the pleasure of grilling without the risk of charring on the barbecue.

What seasonings with a plancha prime rib?

 Start by preparing the meat carefully. For a tender prime rib that's full of flavor and tastes great grilled a la plancha, meat preparation and seasoning play a very important role.

Start by preparing the meat carefully. For tender, full-flavored prime rib that tastes great grilled a la plancha, meat preparation and seasoning play a very important role.

The crunch and subtlety of crystallized aromatics

Crystallized aromatics are crystallized aromatics and herbs (thyme, rosemary, shallot, onion) with salt. Crystallization with salt preserves and enhances the flavors of herbs and aromatics tenfold, while giving them a touch of crunch.

Garden Intense crystallized aromatics are crystallized with Guerande salt. Guérande salt, a natural sea salt full of intensity and subtlety, releases the strength of the flavors and the power of the aromas of the herbs and aromatics it accompanies with every turn of the mill.

A powerful, delicate and crunchy seasoning ideal for sublimating red meats and bringing out all their flavors, in cooking or seasoning.

Crystallized aromatics are used with a mill which, by grinding the delicate crystals of aromatics crystallized with Le Guérandais Salt, releases all the flavors of herbs, spices and aromatics.

The concentrated flavors of a marinade

To season your plancha prime rib while giving it plenty of flavor and tenderness, marinade is an ideal option. Thanks to its acidic agents such as vinegar, lemon juice or wine, it will make the meat juicy and tender, while nourishing the meat with its flavors and giving it a beautiful caramelization.

For marinade recipe ideas for prime rib a la plancha:

  • A teriyaki sauce marinade: marinating your prime rib in teriyaki sauce will give it Asian hues and salty-sweet flavors. A la plancha, the sweetness of the teriyaki sauce will create a delicious caramelized crust around the meat.
  • A Cajun spice marinade: a Cajun spice marinade, amazing for its subtle balance between spicy, smoky, herbaceous and slightly sweet will bring complex, spicy flavors to your prime rib a la plancha.

The originality of a tasty sauce

Accompany your plancha prime rib with a tasty sauce that will lift the meat's flavors, complement them and give it character.

Pepper sauce, tartar sauce, chimichurri sauce, mustard, aioli or béarnaise, there are many original or more classic sauce recipes to pair with your grilled meats:

A great sauce recipe to pair with your plancha prime rib, pepper sauce full of flavor and character:

  • Start by chopping a shallot and crushing the peppercorns with a pestle.
  • Melt 20 grams of butter in a saucepan and, when it crackles, add the shallots and a pinch of salt.
  • Let cook for 5 minutes over medium heat, add the beef stock, reduce by half over high heat and add the cream (100ml) and pepper.
  • Reduce again and add the Maizena (1 teaspoon) diluted in the water.
  • Remix until you have a slick sauce, add chopped parsley and you're done!

Another ideal recipe for plancha grilling, chimichurri sauce, similar to a pesto, will accompany your meat while giving it plenty of freshness :

  • Wash, dry and chop the parsley,
  • Peel the onion and garlic cloves,
  • In the bowl of a chopper, pour in the parsley, garlic, onion, herbes de Provence and blend until a light paste is obtained,
  • Add the oil and vinegar and blend everything together.

Our special plancha beef rib seasoning idea

Aromatics crystallized with Guérande salt. Season your côte de boeuf à la plancha with a crunchy red onion. With one or two turns of the grinder halfway through or at the end of cooking, the soft, subtle flavors of red onion will perfume the prime rib with delicate sweet notes and leave a delicate crunch under the tooth. 

Jardin Intense aromates cristallisés croquant d'oignon rouge

Le Guérandais Guérande salt

Le Guérandais Guérande Salt is a natural, unrefined, unwashed, non-iodized and unbleached salt. It is harvested by hand by the paludiers using an ancestral method in the Guérande salt marshes. Unrefined salt is salt that has not been chemically treated and has retained all its natural benefits and contributions.

How long does it take to cook prime rib a la plancha?

Once your meat has been well seasoned, it's time to prepare it for cooking.

For this, and to ensure tender, flavorful meat that will bring out all its qualities, remember to take the prime rib out of the fridge well in advance (1 to 2 hours) to bring it back to room temperature. This will prevent the excessive temperature difference from attacking the meat and causing its fibers to tighten violently, resulting in meat that is too firm and dry.

Then heat the plancha thoroughly to sear the meat. The plancha should be hot, but not more than 250 degrees: too great a temperature difference could make the meat tough.

Once the plancha is hot, place the prime rib on it with a little fat (olive oil is ideal).

For a 2.5kg piece, cook for 15 to 18 minutes, turning the prime rib every three to four minutes for medium-rare (i.e. around 8 to 9 minutes per side). If the piece is thicker, add 2 minutes of cooking time on each side.

At mid-cooking or at the end, it's time to season it! You can sprinkle it with pepper, salt it by delicately sprinkling gros sel, Fleur de Sel or a turn of the mill of crystallized aromatics with the different flavors according to your preferences.
Once your prime rib is cooked through and caramelized on the outside, remove it from the heat.

Season it if you haven't done so mid-cooking and, as soon as your prime rib is well-seasoned all over, place it in aluminum foil to rest for 10 minutes. These few minutes will allow the meat to pull and let the juices and meat juices spread throughout the piece.